Whose building on Python NoGIL?

Stanford CS 153 help

SWEs how do you future-proof your career in light of LLMs?

How do you find part time work?

Examples of agentic LLM systems in production?

Using LLMs for Better Design in Front End Development?

Quit Stimulants, Productivity Suffering

Who has an interesting job?

Lost IBM OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 localizations: Looking for help finding and archiving

Do you backup your Emails?

Deduplicating a 10.4 TiB game preservation archive (WIP)

Has anyone used Devin for web-dev?

My experience trying to scrape Google Maps with no code

Better ways to extract skills from job postings?

How do you deal with overly negative comments

How do I keep up with work?

Why is Ilya saying data is limited when the whole world is data?

AWS Lambda Credible Alternatives?

2024 Lichess Recap

What database does HN use?

Why aren't cost-minded SME/startups using Linux on laptops even now?

A bestiary of exotic hadrons: the 23 exotic hadrons discovered at the LHC so far